Here are a few of the ways Lasallian schools differ from traditional academies:
Traditional Academy Model |
Lasallian Model |
- Bright Students (80-90 percentile students)
- All Student Types (Comprehensive)
- Chosen for School's Advancement/Reputation
- Chosen for Student's Betterment
- Financially Secure Families
- Diverse Economic Students
- Prestigious Curriculum Set
Curriculum Determined By: |
- Students Chosen to Fit It
- Functional and Tasteful Facilities
- Academic success rewarded and publicized
- All success, including effort, rewarded and publicized
- Students Conform to School's Traditions and Reputation
- Students Contribute to Creating Traditions and Reputation
- Students Fit or are Failed / Dismissed
- Students are Retained, Focus on Keeping Students
- Regular, Honors, & Adv. Placement
- Basic, Regular, Honors, & Adv. Placement
- Success = Enhancement of Self
- Success = Service of Others
- Sports to Win (Score Emphasis)
- Sports to Play (Team Emphasis)
- Seniority = Opportunity to Serve