Drop-in Peer Tutor Program
Before School
Tuesday and Thursday: 7:30 am - 8:15 am
After School
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 315 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: Library
Need help on Homework? Come to Drop-In Tutoring!
Peer Tutors will be available to help with homework, labs, projects, essays, brainstorming, test or quiz preparation, and more! Our trained peer tutors offer support for the range of academic subjects taught at La Salle- particularly sciences, math and foreign languages.
Hours are conveniently designed to meet the needs of students with extracurricular commitments before or after school. No appointment necessary. Come by any time, and our peer tutors are here to help!
For more information, contact:
Ms. Woodworth swoodworth@lsprep.org
Mr. Long clong@lsprep.org