Named Endowed Scholarship Funds
Our scholarships include fully endowed scholarships, named scholarships and memorial funds established for deceased faculty, alumni, family members and friends. Tribute scholarships honor organizations, groups, or living individuals. Endowed scholarships begin at $25,000. These "named" funds provide year after year funding to La Salle students and programs.
Make a gift to any of these funds using our 'Make a Gift' page.
- Alumni Endowment Fund
- Andrew Kuffner Scholarship Fund
- Bill George Scholarship Fund
- Carol Feltz Bluhm ’80 Memorial Fund
- Denise L. Jones Scholarship Fund
- Donegan Family Scholarship Fund
- Eugene Edmund Snyder Fund
- Father Saalfeld Endowment Fund
- Gene and Betty Feltz Family Scholarship Fund
- Hamersly Family Library Endowment Fund
- Helen Wizer Memorial Fund
- Jeanne DePaola Feltz Memorial Fund
- La Salle Educators’ Scholarship Fund
- Mary Ann Allegretto Gaskill Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Booster Endowment Fund
- Christian Brothers’ Scholarship Fund
- Class of 1972 Scholarship Fund
- Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund
- Christian Brothers Scholarship Fund
- David and Marie Robben Family Fund
- Loreva Bromley Fund
- Monsignor Martin Thielen Fund
- Joe and Alice Shelley Fund
- Andy Belozer Memorial Fund
- Brian Bergquist ‘75 Endowment Fund
- Brother Thomas Levi, FSC Memorial Fund
- Caitlin E. Joy ‘06 Fund Class of 1972 Scholarship Fund
- Class of 1979 Scholarship Fund
- Dorothy Pietrok Memorial Fund
- Dr. Kent W. Christoferson Opportunity Fund
- Ernest and Mary Ellen Schraner Fund
- Ernie Casciato ‘72 Scholarship Fund
- James T. “Ted” Watkins ‘76 Fund
- James and Betty Gimarelli Scholarship Fund
- Jerry and Carol Bitz Family Fund
- Jim and Helen Watkins Fund
- Mario and Anne Dulcich Bisio Scholarship Fund
- Mayer Foundation Fund
- Nick Anderson ’12 Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Patrick M. Bell ‘84 Memorial Endowment Fund
- Pete Parisi Family Fund
- Rita McGrath Scholarship Fund
- Sterling Eltagonde Memorial Fund
- Sue Ann White Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Thekkedom Family Fund
- Tom Dudley Professional Development Fund
- Tripp Folsom Scholarship Fund
- 1980’s Memorial Endowment Fund
- Brother Gary York Memorial Fund
- Brother Michael Saggau, FSC Scholarship Fund
Make a gift to any of these funds using our 'Make a Gift' page.
» Under gift designation, select "Foundation (Named Funds)"
» Select the named fund(s) from the drop-down menu that appears.
For more information or to give, contact Andrea Burns ’97 or call (503) 353-1424